At the beginning when we had to do this project I was kind off “afraid and a little mad” about it, because I really don’t like doing oral presentations in front of people! I just hope everyone understood what I said =) lol!
I just have to say that it was very interesting to know that all this religions have something in common (their love and respect for the environment). This was actually my first time on getting to know all this religions. I heard a little about them when I took a history class here at LaGuardia, but never so much in depth. I love all these religions even though I’m Catholic.
· What I liked about Judaism is that they have certain laws concerning the environment, such as not cutting fruit bearing trees, locations of industries should be far way from where people live, not to eat limb torn from a living creature, etc. Another important point they made was that God shows his angriness with nature disasters.
· What was interesting for me about the Islam is that it is a universal religion that believes in no God, but Allah, and they believe that Allah is the creator of all living things. They also believe that it is extremely important & permitted to every Muslim to contribute to the Earth’s better environment. Also that they should be active in growing more trees for the benefit of all people, and also someone from the class said that usually make a prayer before killing an animal.
· Buddhism was also a very interesting religion because this group did a good job explaining the history, and also they’re concern about killing living creatures.
· Hinduism says that plating a tree is a religious duty, and they also have the BISHNOIS MOVEMENT which focus is on protection of trees and animals.
· And last but not least my group on the Daoism religion. I think I had a very interesting religion, which in a way is very similar to the other religion, but they believe in no God, they say that everything in the world in created equal, and if nature suffers from human kind, nature will retaliate against man.
In overall all groups did a good job, some slides where more interesting than others but I think everyone was great. All these religions share something in common and it was obviously the main point of doing this project, to learn that there are so many religions around the world, but that the Earth is only one, and we should love it, respect it, and care about it, even when our minds are more concentrated in shopping and wasting money!!!!