Ok for this blog all I did was google other peoples blogs! I found a very interesting website (http://www.doshdosh.com/environmental-blogs-you-can-read/) where I found very interesting entries. It is a very neat and nice blog to read.
The "awesome" blog i found web surfing is cool to me because it combines science and the environment together. I don’t think it is a boring blog because it doesn’t just talk about global warming and the things we should do to prevent it! Well is not wrong to talk about that, because we see it and hear it every day!
The "awesome" blog i found web surfing is cool to me because it combines science and the environment together. I don’t think it is a boring blog because it doesn’t just talk about global warming and the things we should do to prevent it! Well is not wrong to talk about that, because we see it and hear it every day!
My awesome blog talks about everything from temperature rising, the ozone holes and cosmic rays. Or tips you can do everyday to save the planet. The blog that I enjoyed reading the most was about “Real Climate”. There’s a very interesting paragraph,s saying “both October and November came in quite warm (0.58ÂșC), the former edging up slightly on last month's estimate as more data came in.” If we think about it, it is absolutely true! When I first came the US I remember winters being really really cold, and now we still have 50 degrees outside! Amazing! Well I don’t like the winter, I don’t like the cold, but I do understand that this climate changes are going on, and it’s basically everyone’s fault L